I Tell Stories

2023 Recap

• Colt Draine and Owen "The Mic" McMichael • Episode 61

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Reflecting on a year of audible adventures and personal triumphs, we send out a heartfelt thank you to the Polyshore Support Group, our unexpected beacon of growth. It's been a hilarious romp through memory lane, from the neon glow of 80s slang to the vibrant world of street art, illuminated by the brilliant work of Yescka. Not to mention, this year marked the rhythm-infused milestone of weaving my own instrumental beats into our sonic tapestry, adding a personal touch to every episode we've crafted for you. And who could forget the episode where we turned a car into our impromptu studio? It was a lesson in flexibility and a testament to our dedication—proving that we'll go to any length, or any location, to keep the conversation flowing.

Join us as we circle back to our youthful misadventures in Orange County—a shout-out to Debbie for the endless support—and tackle the importance of owning up to our blunders, like misreading the Gregorian calendar (who hasn't, right?). We've come a long way, broadening our horizons from the sands of Timbuktu to the legendary wealth of Mansa Musa. All while our steadfast pit bull, Lynch, has been more than just a pet; he's been a heartwarming symbol of loyalty for our community. As we share these stories and milestones, including my daughter's leaps and bounds, we invite you to celebrate the essence of family and the profound impact of every voice in our incredible listener landscape—from Niagara Falls to the quaint towns of England.

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Speaker 2:

Oh, hey, man, I was just calling real quick because I haven't been hitting my meetings as often as I should. You know, and I know that our Polyshore Support Group is kind of about milestone Yay, you know what I'm saying. So I was taking some inventory on things. Well, I don't know which one to call, but regardless, this year's been great. I mean, we've made such steps forward. I don't react to the word bud or buddy like I used to, and that's all you know. Because of you and this show, I tell stories. So I just wanted to start off with a thank you and to remind people of the Polyshore Support Group. If you guys have been affected negatively by his career, just reach out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, scott Bale as well. I mean, you know the effects are, they're real, yeah, but we can, we can heal, we can heal we can I also want to add on top of that that Mr Shore is nowhere near a Scott Bale.

Speaker 2:

You know you may be, you may be annoying and things like that at times, but that is as we discovered on our journey through this episode, our episodes. That that's actually like what his humor is all about was to be basically annoying. It's like a real style of comedy, so he mastered it.

Speaker 1:

And I'd never heard the effeminate misogyny, and that's that sums it up perfectly, because it's somehow really effeminate yet awfully sexist. But anyway, yeah, it was our first full year of the podcast. You covered a lot of interesting things and Right, yes, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I'm just kidding. This is totally off the cuff. Guys, I have no notes for this episode. This is like our thing of what we think and what we learned, or what our perspective maybe now. Whatever the hell, we want to talk about it. I tell stories because we like to tell stories, you know. So, owen, I want to know what, maybe your, what was your favorite episode to do that got you the most excited this year?

Speaker 1:

Honestly, my favorite one. It wasn't, you know, the research wasn't if you can call it that, but 80s slang there were. So we learned about jam shorts. Oh yeah, such an epidemic, what? But as far as I don't know, there's so much barren Sam, there's so much stuff that just popped up. Yes, I would say it's probably like my, my favorite to look into, just because of the message and, man, I really love the art and I have friends that are super into art and graffiti and I mean, I am as well.

Speaker 2:

I just don't create it because I'm a Well, you're kind of like right, little do people know that you have a track coming out soon, bicycle hat. We're not going to go any further into it than that, but we'll let you guys know. Yeah, yes, co was a great. It was a great episode. That was fantastic. I'm glad that you. You were just randomly watching, like the food network or something right, and it came up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, things like CNN is a board Anthony board name yes, years ago that somehow I hadn't seen. I thought I'd seen most of those and, yeah, I wasn't really paying attention and they showed that last supper of Mexico painting and I was, yeah, I was just like we have to do something about this guy. And then, yeah, the more I looked into it, it's just like such an awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, representing Oaxaca. Hey, you know, he was actually very cool. I reached out to him on social media. He listened to the episode and he thanked me for doing it Me and you, you know, as I tell stories. So that was pretty cool. So, yes, good, shout out to yes, good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, remember you sent me that little bit of an interview I guess an interview with him, and he just sounded like a you know for being such a revolutionary artist. He seemed just very down to earth and kind of you know just.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He didn't seem surreal, right? Yeah, that's awesome. I am honored to have you on screen together. Works divide at some point. I know I've been following on, would you?

Speaker 2:

like to save up for Festivus for this year. No, yeah, that's something to be said, that is something a goal of sorts and all these things. I feel my favorite episode which seems to be most people's favorite episode, aside from the Apocalypse Pit interview, I feel is the Baron, samdy. That the Baron. It was fun to do and like it was totally foreign to me.

Speaker 2:

I didn't really know much about Haiti and my knowledge of Voodoo was loose, like I knew, probably more than you know, a suburban mom in the 80s, but I didn't know like a ton. You know what I'm saying. So, yeah, and then also one of the reasons why it is also my personal favorite is because it is almost where we started using exclusively my instrumentals for the show. So that's oh, wow, okay, yeah. So it's kind of like you know, I started, instead of like going about it in other ways, like most podcasters doing there's absolutely nothing wrong with it I was like why the hell I make beats, man, what am I doing? Like I have these all over the place, and then so I just, you know, I picked them out and then there we are. So that's why that one's my favorite.

Speaker 1:

That's honestly, that's awesome. Yeah, and I was sitting in a car when we recorded stuff.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, yeah, the backstory to that.

Speaker 1:

And there was an excuse to bring up, you know, Haiti. It's an excuse to bring up Killer Mike. Yes so, and Technique that great line from Civil War.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, that is great. Check that, track out. Killer Mike, civil War Mortal Technique and Chuck D, yes, so, hmm, you know the 80s episode was pretty boss, my friend. I agree with that as far as, like some of the comedic turns we've had, that was a fun one to do, really light hearted this is like a poison concert in 1987. Indeed, you know, which one is super hilarious to me, and it's kind of a darker episode, is the musical curses episode.

Speaker 1:

That was great. That was especially some of the stuff that's so hot. You know, like all the Dalman brothers, I had no idea about to have such happy music. I know you know, it's just you can feel like you're just like cruising along a highway going somewhere. Super cool, ain't wasting time no more. You know like super awesome songs, but it's like holy fuck, what tragic shit happened to yes indeed.

Speaker 2:

And or it was interesting, the one that caught me off guard and I seem to have laughed the hardest in the episode on that one was is the the guy who banged his head up against the ball and then later on passed away from complications or something? He was mad, yeah, that they had a heck of a curse going there with that. Didn't one guy just walk away and thought he was Jesus or something or joined a cult?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that was them. He just went to get like a magazine and joined some religious cult.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Where Jimmy go. That wasn't the name.

Speaker 2:

Really oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

A magazine. Years later, you see him in some cult. Oh my goodness. Well, summer solstice is a lot of fun. Especially my favorite was we learned that there's such a thing as the governor of the universe, according to some.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and the butler? Yeah, good gig, great gig. And the butler of the universe is the butler for Mr D's. For those of you who watched the Adam Sandler film that Owen still has not, I'm guessing- I don't get out much. He lives next to a gray house. You know, I'll watch it, dude. It's pretty good. I mean it's just a funny movie. No, no pressure bro.

Speaker 1:

I got Sam. I still remember Billy Madison and the theater Right epic. Hey, you know, I remember my buddy's mom like she took us and she was shooting an ad against the human. But it's not really, you know. You know you're bored. Adolescent Stoners, orange County. Yeah, yeah, no, I get it, but she was. Yeah, debbie, she's awesome, she took us. Yeah, she, just, she thought of a spotty because it is. I mean, it's stupid, it's not like Right, right, I get it Hi, bro, hold on.

Speaker 2:

It's not supposed to be. No, adam Sandler is not. Hi, bro. Hey, you know, though, he has a unibrow, almost I think, but that's a different thing. What another thing about the soul says oh great, okay cool, because I wanted to retract a statement. You know all the monks, other things, maybe because, along Along all these episodes, we, you know, we're learning and shit, man, like we're not sitting here trying to tell you we know everything. I expect to get things wrong and you know, I just hope that when you're look, when you're looking into stuff, you're like wait, these guys had a kind of wrong on this, or maybe I have this different perspective on it now, because I'll really want to do is check shit out, guys, right on.

Speaker 1:

Like along. Yeah, I'm sure I got some. That's what I was trying to say, you know, and obviously by just directly quoting someone, I give them credit for it. But typically I just read info from lots of different sites and then kind of form my own Opinions. Yeah, you know cuz I mean? Right, I thought to say we can only work with what we find. But yeah, I'm never trying to miss lead anyone or have any agenda or anything like that. It's just like I may misinterpret something or right, what have you exactly?

Speaker 2:

so, on souls, this, this is man been eating at me. Okay, so, no, for real, that long to I misspoke and I knew this too. Okay, so we are on the Gregorian calendar right now, guys, right in an episode. In the episode I say as soon as we switched from the Gregorian calendar, which I meant to say to right, and what a stupid thing, but that has been bugging me. So as soon as this airs, I think I'll feel better about it. That, and also along the way, you know, cuz I've been digging into my family's heritage and and things like that, there's earlier episodes where I used one, one of the words I don't really care for anymore because I didn't know any different and barely anybody does know that. This is kind of a BS word, but and it's, I guess maybe it's an opinion-based thing, but I encourage you to look in how it was formed and what it actually means.

Speaker 1:

But Hispanic is actually not the best word for Any of our Mexican or Southern American folks, or you know, I like to just call people by my, by their names Danish, yeah, yeah, molly, like Montemousa.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god that was a good.

Speaker 1:

Episode monster, mr Moosa mr.

Speaker 2:

Moosa. Yeah, hey, shout out to Kenya that drug. Oh, we didn't have any African plays up until Monsa moosa and we started getting some. And I hope we presented that well because I thought it was pretty important to not only Talk about his travel you know his Hodgdamecha, but that we got in some stuff about. You know the cultural things that he brought to Molly.

Speaker 1:

You know he was yeah, yeah so, but now I know where Timbuktu is, I know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and very informative, and it's possible that somebody's eating chimicherry in Timbuktu.

Speaker 1:

And I think it inspired the dog to bite me to go chain, so it was a good episode overall.

Speaker 2:

I know Wins all around. Yes, that's how I justify that.

Speaker 1:

It's like, oh, the dog got it for me to protest this Right.

Speaker 2:

What a good dog, yeah, he is you know his fantastic Lynch has been mentioned a lot in the show. People may not understand all the way sometimes because we do talk about Brother Lynch Hong and because of, you know, my big brother Pitt. Basically I'm affiliated so I get run around in those circles. So just to clarify, I had a blue-nosed pit bull that I named Lynch because why not right? And you know I was going through some crap and wasn't able to fully take care of him how I should. And Owen was, you know, he'd been with the dog since he was a puppy, so he ended up taking Lynch and now he's dead. You know what I'm saying. So this dog is pretty important to both of us in that slinch, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, aka Boogie, aka Lannisheil, Colonel, monkey Tits, bob-bob Bluey, blue Truss, blue Truss, golly, it goes on and on, but he's known around cold friend Bobby. He's now my friend, I'd say too. He came into the shop and hung out for a while and no less than seven people came in and just Boogie, you know, yeah. And then he said whoa, we went to a restaurant and everybody there knew him, sat outside on the patio and yeah, so he's important to a lot of people. Yes, I'm one of those annoying Pat parents, like my only pictures on the phone in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a true thing. Yeah, well, you have some pictures of Demara. You know too, your niece, my daughter, my oldest child, those sorts yeah, that's true, I love that I have some of those.

Speaker 1:

One of them Super old ones, because time flies One minute she's five years old and we're building the fort, and now she's she drives right.

Speaker 2:

Right, yes, she drives and she's playing varsity sports and all those fun things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's got her head on her shoulders though. Man, I've had it very great before. It's cool. Yeah, you know a teenager, I didn't really want anything to do with my parents or their friends, but she's sending a birthday message the last couple times and sends a funny reel from there. Yeah, yeah, pretty neat. You glad, uncle Owen. I've been doing it most of her life. Yeah, there you go. Then she met straight budge in pajamas, God yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, why is that man wearing pajamas? What Owen's really good friends, god rest. The first time I actually really interacted with Owen at the Shandyplex. The Shandyplex is a place me and Owen used to live. That was four houses on a lot that. Maybe I mean they're bigger than the houses for the homeless encampments. But it was on the north side of Belling's and he was hanging out with his friend on the front porch and his friend looks kind of like a hippie and he was kind of wearing, I don't know, pajama pants of sorts. And that's how Damar met Owen and she just said after we walked away dad, why is that man?

Speaker 2:

wearing pajama pants and it's just a good laugh. I mean so good, you know. You know there's some neat things. I feel like we've become very fond of the Native American little people. That's pretty cool. I feel like I've learned quite a bit from reading the stories and what else. We've introduced some people to the world of I don't know broadcast whatever you want to call this journalism. Like our good friend Donnie Hill, folks made an appearance on the show this year. You know he's our love, yeah, for sure. So we're very, very appreciative of that. You know Merced, ron Ron from Merced, you know what I'm saying. You know he'll be on here. He's kind of an addition to the family. This year a pit lock supply. And then, you know, we always got Bobby. I don't know what he wanted, does Bobby? I'm sure he got him at the Coachella. Oh yeah, man. Yeah, that was a thing that was hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're going to have to report from. In the bustling metropolis of Roundup Montana there is a wonderful barbecue joint called the Back Porch. I think the name's just perfect to you. But yeah, sure, I called him yesterday Actually I think he was at work, but he called back today and I told him about the barbecue and so we're going to make a pilgrimage to the Back Porch. I'm getting ribs for sure next time, anybody, if you happen to be in Roundup Montana, hidden gem of Epic proportions I just discovered. Actually, my mom sent me something about it. She's not in California, but she heard it was James Beard nominated. That's what I was waiting for yeah, that's weird.

Speaker 1:

My friend Nick and I were just like, yeah, let's just head out there. I actually just I got. I was Saturday and this is now Tuesday and I've been eating the pulled pork until today. So it's a great value, delicious and I can eat. I'm a stoner and I'm chilling.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The owner of the building.

Speaker 2:

God rest Mac Dre Truzy. Yeah, hey, you know, what else could we do, you guys? I don't know, because I like all of our episodes in one way or the other and we get to sit there and talk about that kind of shit. But what is there? Is there a new song that you found last year that you're just like dang? This is in my rotation, for sure that you want to plug on the show.

Speaker 1:

Ooh a few, but it jumps to mind and it's from like 2002. I don't know how I missed out on this for over two decades. But Rise of the Machines, Jedi, mind tricks with Ravgas, yeah. Which just underground legends from each coast together on a badass track, yeah. But I will say I guess I probably heard it before. But ain't wasting time, no more. Almond Brothers, Definitely. You know the ones that get radio play, like Midnight Rider and Melissa, stuff like that, Like all just classics. But that one doesn't seem to be like as well known. And yeah, especially if it's not you're not having the best day or something. It's just a badass song about moving on Right. There you go.

Speaker 2:

I like that, yeah. So, hmm, a new song that I put in two heavy rotation ish this year or it's just in there now, that was maybe it's long lines would be Method man and Slick Rick Metropolis. Oh yeah, nice. Yeah, just because I'm a I'm a Slick Rick fan. He's like before my time and all. Anyway, I'm not that old guys, but like um man, I like Slick Rick and I was like, yeah, it was nice to hear him him come out with a new track like that and kill it still. I mean, I know.

Speaker 1:

I haven't had it, then obviously yeah, two legends.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, so I was kind of goes back even farther. Correct. He does. Indeed, I wonder how many rappers have referenced Slick Rick legit. You know, because a lot of times it comes up if you're talking about some Jovi or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, I guess we kind of say that this is like our first full year, you know. I mean it's like a year and some change at this point, but nonetheless, we're going to keep plugging along, guys. If you're ever curious about anything else that we're up to, you can visit pitlocksupplycom. There's shirts. We have itelstories shirts, believe it or not, and we're going to drum up some other shit too. There's going to be some fun stuff on there. Some of the shirts may not have to do with the show. And then also there's my, uh, my Pitlock supply gear. That uh features a pretty nice looking pit bull that was modeled after, actually, owens dog, aside from the ears, so that was a graphic design choice.

Speaker 2:

Nonetheless, um, I'm just very happy with everything and if you guys want to follow, just make sure you, you know, follow. That would be great. Uh, we do have a subscription link if you want to help us out, and that would be badass too. Um, you know, because we just want to do more stuff. We're not trying to like totally beg, but we might. I don't know what do you think, but if you fall, you know we already I feel like we're doing pretty well For where we're at.

Speaker 2:

In all honesty, like I, uh, when I look at our shit and here, like I go around and I'm not knocking anybody but like I'm impressed with, like you know, our listeners, man, I'm glad that you guys are taken to this and then, uh, you know, sharing it and following it, cause we do see the stats, we do see which cities play and all this stuff, and since we're still kind of smaller, I can really, you know, I, if I look, I can watch and be like dang, this is cool. Like you know, we're getting these plays from England and such and all this and that Like. So that's pretty neat and, uh, shout out to Niagara Falls. They listened to us quite a bit. That was cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we appreciate each and all of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, on that note, visit us at pilloxapplycom and whatever platform you're listening to us on. Just make sure to like, follow us and don't be scared to share the show. That's like really what helps the most, and you don't have to do it on your social media. If you got a buddy, you know, and they're into shit like this, you know, because obviously, if you're listening to us, I feel like you're pretty cool and you know good stuff, right, so you might want to share all this good stuff with your friends.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, much love everybody. Don't think this hasn't been charming.

Speaker 2:

Nice, Good job bro.

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