I Tell Stories

Animals: Species that Will Make you Stick with Dogs

• Colt Draine and Owen "The Mic" McMichael • Episode 74

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Ever wondered about nature's most unusual creatures? Prepare to be amazed as we venture into the eclectic world of animal oddities, from the peculiar snub-nosed monkeys to the giant isopods that seem lifted from a sci-fi novel. It's a wild ride through the animal kingdom, complete with the remarkable strength of coconut crabs and the stylish red-lipped batfish. And just when you think it can't get any more bizarre, we introduce you to the Dumbo Octopus and debate the merits of the bilby as a potential Easter Bunny mascot.

Hold onto your hats because this episode isn't just about weird wildlife—it's an exploration into the fringes of zoology, with a nod to Jeremy Wade's thrilling encounters. We dive into the deep with the blobfish, discuss the puzzling vampire deer, and marvel at the Brazilian treehopper's mysterious headgear. These creatures might sound like they're from another planet, but they share our Earth, and their unique traits serve as a testament to the incredible diversity that surrounds us. And if you thought turkeys were just Thanksgiving fare, wait until you hear about the allure of their snoods!

But this journey isn't just about the wild; it's about the impact we aspire to make right here in Billings, our beloved community. As we wrap up this episode, we share our vision for the podcast—entertainment with a purpose, raising awareness and fostering a sense of community. We're not just here to talk about Spice One's "Platinum OG 2" though it surely deserves a listen; we're here to thank you, our audience, for being a part of this adventure. So, buckle up, and let's celebrate the extraordinary, the bizarre, and the ways we can all make a difference, together.

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Speaker 2:

Oh man, Just watch out where you step, dude. Over there there's something nasty or something rotting. I'm not sure what kind of animal spit that up or shit that out. I have no idea, bro. It is one of the most vile things I've ever seen in my life. Looks like something outside of you know, a homeless tent encampment. I'm not sure what's going on, but that animal, whatever made that shouldn't exist snub-nosed monkey perhaps oh no, yeah, maybe.

Speaker 2:

I mean I'm not sure it could be. I'm not, I don't, I'm not up on the snub nose, monkey, does it pack a 38? What's going on? Why does it have such a name?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I thought. It has no nose. And yeah, people, if you want to look at the pictures of these creatures, they're something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're pretty insane looking, that's for sure. It doesn't look exactly like somebody just took a razor and cut their nose clean off many years ago in a war or something. Either that or they, you know what. Could it be this too, bro? They may have all had syphilis and no treatment. Wasn't that a thing? It either has to do with the syphilis or the treatment for syphilis back in the day, but people would lose their noses, I feel One of those weird diseases. Nonetheless, nub-nosed monkeys, watch your sexual promiscuity in the future.

Speaker 1:

Good start. Tite Public service. Announcement of the day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a great day on. I Tell Stories, my friend. It's currently one of my first 70-some degree days of the year here in the Portland metro area, or in the European dub, whatever the fuck I'm in. I'm out here in the BG, like I said before, I just know what to call everything. It's all connected and I'm not from here originally.

Speaker 1:

Anyway how's your day going? Nice climate for the coconut crab that's strong enough to crack coconuts and also dines on seabirds and rats.

Speaker 2:

That is an insane animal. Why did so? The purpose of it? Well hey, it dines on rats. That's kind of cool. I mean right, but it really cracks coconuts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, apparently this thing's crazy looking. It has gigantic claws, obviously if it's able to crack coconuts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, is it both claws or just one? I think it's both of them. Oh, wow, that's insane. I'm going to have to check this sucker out. Whoa, yeah, that looks pretty raw. It looks like it's mounting the coconut as it cracks it. I like your mind Kind of it's in the coconut as it cracks it. I like your mind Kind of it's in the position of cracking said coconut. Nonetheless, that is a weird-looking animal. It looks like the devil's hand, you know, or like Hellboy or something. For those of you who have seen the movie, like the animal looks like the fucking hand. All right, guys, I tell stories. Anyway. Hey, have you ever heard of a red-lipped batfish?

Speaker 1:

I have not no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me either, until about 20 minutes ago, but it's from the Beglobacus Islands and it looks like a character. You remember Nickelodeon Monsters, that cartoon they had where it was like monsters in the sewer. I guess it was in the 90s I don't recall.

Speaker 2:

Okay, for those people who are out there that remember it, this thing looks like one of the characters from that. It has like red lips, dude. It looks like it's wearing lipstick and it's like kind of pissed off or it's pouty or something like that. They don't say that. You know, it's not known to be dangerous. I made sure to check into that. Uh, it's a species of angler fish, so it does draw in its prey with a sort of angle ish type device. You know it's fins come out and attract it. Went on. Cat just eats it. The red lips that it's named after, though, have nothing to do with what, uh, that is, though apparently they have no clue why it has such luscious pouty lips is what these people say, and this is some scientific journal I was reading, but nonetheless it does look like. It's a fucking weird thing with lips and wearing bright red lipstick. It's amazing, I don't know. Red-lipped batfish Sounds like something you might find in Las Vegas.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that should stay in Vegas. Yeah, as they say. Oh no, how about the? I'm sure I'll mispronounce this, but the Grimpotiosus is referred to as Dumbo Octopus.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I've seen a picture of that.

Speaker 1:

That does look like when it's moving. It's like Dumbo's ears flapping. That's amazing yeah, it's much cuter than the giant isopod, which is a relative of the garden-dwelling woodlice.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And they reach a foot long and thankfully live deep in the ocean.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so these are all scary sea monsters, but basically it's like a large louse Right Louse lice, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Nobody judge me Apparently. Yeah, it's a disturbing looking entity. Yeah, I was going to call this episode Animals. That'll Make you Stick With Dogs.

Speaker 2:

Oh, nice, okay, I was kicking around. Why Animal Kingdom? Why? But? I like that I like yours the best, so I don't know how about the greater bilby?

Speaker 1:

that's a rabbit kangaroo of sorts from Australia.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing looking guys. It looks like a kangaroo that got hit with a bat and then survived.

Speaker 1:

And apparently they're in danger. So some are pushing for it to be to replace the Easter bunny with the Easter bilby. Ugh, gross Either way. Yeah, gross Either way. Yeah, like that sounds wrong.

Speaker 2:

Bilby babies. They want to make a bunch of bilby babies. That's disgusting. Guys, get over it. Hey, you know, some things just aren't meant to be Australia, even though I do love that you guys listen to us. We're internationally renowned, globally renowned, oh, renowned, oh, globally. Oh, we got. Oh, yeah, I forget. Thank you for you. You're. That's why you're here, bro. You keep me in check.

Speaker 1:

Um, dang yeah, these things about the upside down catfish, oh, wow, okay, explain please um, it seriously, yeah, it swims and like it's faces facing up and it it looks quite odd, but uh so the point, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So like, what's the purpose? Like why are you upside down? There's no real reason. I mean, you could be a normal catfish. They have success, right. I feel like catfish are a pretty successful species, but just just saying, yeah, they're pretty weird looking. They kind of got like little tentacles on their lips that face up or whiskers just like a catfish would. So really their main thing is they swim upside down. That is weird. What a strange thing.

Speaker 1:

You know what the difference between a catfish and a lawyer is, right? Ah, enlighten me. One's a bottom-feeding scum sucker and the other one's a fish, hey. No offense to all lawyer people, but yeah, I think I heard that from somebody that was in law school too, so it was like all right, yeah, you know, I gotta poke fun at the Scottish. I love my Scottish people Right.

Speaker 2:

Checks out, man, I get it. I'm with you on these. How?

Speaker 1:

about the Goliath tigerfish that's said to even prey on crocodiles in the Congo?

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that thing is scary looking. I've seen a. That's something we want to come across. No, Like I thought piranhas were insane.

Speaker 1:

Winning swim.

Speaker 2:

No, no, god, no, it has like saber-tooth fangs man. This thing is fucking nuts. It should be in the depths of the deep ocean, but it is not. These people in the Congo deal with this thing, and all over the place. That river is insane too. I've seen an episode on this said fish. Jeremy Wade, that one guy, damn it. I'm Hi guys, hi, how are you doing today, owen? I can't remember shit Fucking. No, but seriously, what happened? I don't know. I can't remember shit Fucking. No, but seriously, everybody, what happened? I don't know. Ding dong, hey, back on, I Tell Stories. There's some weird animals out there and apparently fishing's a part of it. But Jeremy Wade, like he catches, like crazy, oh, river monsters. There we are All right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for dealing with our brief interlude. People, while we're at it, might as well check out pitlocksupplycom and see if you want to pick up an I Tell a Story shirt or possibly subscribe to us, because really our subscription link is not as much for extra content at this time as that we're trying to do some like fundraising things to help some people and communities out, so keep that in mind. It's usually well five bucks, is it so? It's usually well five bucks, is it so? If you drink a fucking cup of coffee, you could probably give us five bucks a month to help somebody out, and we'll show you the proof of it. Dude, this is. We want to like make it a thing, as long as, like you know, I'm not trying to like parade anybody around either, I just do want to help some folks out. My friend Owen's on the same page with me. So subscribe, buy a shirt. What up, weird animals? Yo, let's go.

Speaker 1:

The blobfish basically looks like miniature Jabba the Hutt.

Speaker 2:

It does and you know what else.

Speaker 1:

And that would be complimentary of the blobfish, I would say yeah, I feel you.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you remember that cartoon Ziggy.

Speaker 1:

Kind of Vaguely, yeah, yeah, I know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it reminded me of that, the Ziggy guy. Or do you remember in like the late 80s, early 90s, where people would have like that little guy stuck to their car window and it like mooned people Ass? Oh yeah, yeah, he looks like that guy. That's what the blobfish looks like. All right, anyway, yeah, it's a Looks like a blob.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's aptly named, as is the vampire deer. Oh my God, that just has like it doesn't. Actually they don't think suck blood, but it looks like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, smells sweet All right, I must see this now. Vampire deer, just for you people out there, if you're interested in the things we talk about, you can use Google. That's what I'm doing currently. Is that new? Yeah, I know right. Why don't I know anything about anything? Anyway, whoa, yeah, water deer. The saber-toothed deer, jesus Christ. Does Donnie Hill folks know about this? I would think so. Oh my God, we are going to have to bring Donnie Hill folks know about this. I would think so. Oh my God, we are going to have to bring Donnie on for this. We may have to do an episode on these deer. The British Deer Society. Okay, wait, wait, no wait, wait. They're Korea and China. This picture is from the British Deer Society. I was like how did I not know that there was deer like this in?

Speaker 1:

the UK, that is, the Boba Rusa. I have a feature. I have looks like some kind of a board. It's tusks never stopped growing and protrude from its snout.

Speaker 2:

Oh, quite painful to just exist, but they do yeah you, if it had its tusk broke it would look like a piggy unicorn. Yeah yeah, it's insane. You know rodents, the reason why they nod stuff is because their teeth never stop growing. And if they actually weren't able to like kind of nod, chip away at shit like wood or whatever, you know that annoys a hell of a lot of people their teeth would grow through the roof of their mouth. So it's a very similar situation and not the only thing I've ever seen like this in the animal kingdom, but not on a boar. That is weird looking. That would scare me. Guys Just saying Where's the 40?

Speaker 1:

count. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Also unpleasant is the hairy frog that's all I have to say oh no, Is that not? You know, I thought that may have been some sort of like drink that purrs slip ladies, I don't know. You know what I'm saying? The hairy frog, what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

Oh goodness yeah.

Speaker 2:

That is insane, my friend. Dang it does have little hair, it's got like armpit hair, kind of Dang it does have a little hair, it's got like armpit hair kind of yeah, the Brazilian treehopper is an odd-looking I'm assuming insect.

Speaker 1:

It has like a helicopter-looking, yeah looking thing on top of its head and apparently scientists don't know why. Like you know, if it's to, it's not their eyes send off prey, or predators, I should say, or what its purpose is, but it's, it's funny looking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it does. It looks like an alien. It looks like something you may find on Rick and Morty. To be honest, it has about it looks like those things atop look similar to like berries that have hair on them. That's what a bunch of weird stuff out there, guys. You know it's funny about this is you got to keep this in mind, people you know, kind of like a turkey and it's snood, you know, for those of you don't know what the snood is or the beard it's, it's what kind of gets the turkey going. It's that big ugly piece that we all think is weird about him, you know, but to us it's ugly, but to a snark, a snarky, thanks to a turkey, that's. That's, that's one foxy lady. Okay, with the beard. Yeah, keep that in mind, guys.

Speaker 1:

Anyway on we go. How about the venezuelan poodle mask?

Speaker 2:

oh, I've not seen that one. Um, this seems to be like, um, a good reactionary thing, because a lot of these I didn't see, and then I'm just like looking them up as we go and giving people my descriptions. Uh, the poodle moth, it does look like something they should be in a japanime. It almost looks like a tooth fairy from the movie hellboy. I'm going to reference that again. And they are not nice guys. Holy shit. I'm going to share that live right now. Guys, the picture I found to our Itell Stories, instagram and you can follow that. It's not a big deal. That is the weirdest-looking little moth I've ever seen in my life. It's kind of cute. How are we?

Speaker 1:

Disgusting, right, yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

It may also look me right in the eye and steal my soul Unsure. How about jerboas? Ooh, I've worn Jerboas. Those are pants. I don't know what this is though.

Speaker 1:

Tiny kangaroo, mice bunnies, basically that can bounce around the desert at 50 miles an hour.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you know, my daughter, your niece Tamara, our friend of the show, Bobby actually gave her a pet that looks similar to this one time, but they were uh, Fuck, they were related to chinchillas. I've seen these on stuff before. They look crazy Big ears, they could run fast or bounce around or do whatever. Javois Love the name guys. Yeah, I guess they bounce. Yeah, bounce, motherfucker, Right Anyway.

Speaker 1:

The colugo is the flying monkey of sorts. Oh, that's interesting. It's a close relative of primates and it can glide 200 feet from one tree to another. I don't know if it's relegated to just trees or if it can go elsewhere.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, I got you. Yeah, they are arboreal gliding mammals that are native to Southeast Asia. Yep, so their closest evolutionary relatives are primates. So they're not actually a monkey kind of. They're like. You know, they're like how people kind of confuse lemurs with monkeys for a long period of time, but they're very different, right? Yeah, insane, so like a flying squirrel. Didn't see a picture of it guys, just just found a description. I tell stories. Look at us. Go bro, knowledge is power. All right, sorry.

Speaker 1:

And once again one that I will definitely butcher, but the Helocranchia sephesri. It basically looks like if Piglet were a squid that lived 300 feet under the ocean Death tree.

Speaker 2:

I wish I Okay, well, I spelled that part right. It's a genus of small glass squids, apparently that thing and it looks like yeah, that looks creepy man, you guys need to look that up. If you can spell it, if you can spell that without Googling it and spell-checking everything, let us know and we'll give you a shirt. It's also known as a piglet squid, apparently. So I don't know why, but it is a weird thing, yeah it looks like a piglet were a squid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's yeah right, fair enough Fair enough man how about eye-eyes. Eye-eyes, I've heard of them, I hate them. Is that?

Speaker 1:

a very obedient first mate.

Speaker 2:

No, um, no, I mean.

Speaker 1:

It'd be a possum monkey rat.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, Uh, is it spelt as it sounds? That's what I want to know. It's yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

A-Y-E. Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

Looks like we could hang out with the mess cycling folks and our friend uh, yeah. Amu, the Finnish mess skier.

Speaker 2:

You know, I feel like Coral Pandit may have had one of these on his piano, those eyes Just saying Look into my eyes. In his ears he could definitely hear everything. He kind of has the. They have a he, they're all he's. By the way, this one I'm looking at in particular, which I have no idea what sex it is, has the face of a koala almost, and I don't even know. But these really really rough looking animals Kind of looks like my fucking shitty dog Benson, who is a oh Benson Squeaky.

Speaker 2:

D, benson Bennett, anyway, yeah, benson needs a bath. He's a shih tzu Yorkie mix. He's got the Yorkie attitude guys. A little bit Shit, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, let's move on.

Speaker 2:

Did you know that the aye-ayes are omnivores and they love to eat things such as insects, larvae, fruit seeds and nectar? Unfortunately, humans, the foss and birds of prey are all predators to the aye-ayes. People apparently eat these motherfuckers. Okay, ugh Gross.

Speaker 1:

Hope they got good barbecue sauce.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, madagascar guys, I don't know, I don't know better check into that. Um, hey, you know, I think that's pretty neat. Hey, I seen one of these things in a zoo one time and they're called an okapai, I think. Um, I looked it up and these are animals that, uh, that people thought were extinct, so they're cryptids that were found to be actually alive.

Speaker 2:

An okapai, also known as the forest giraffe, is a blend of a zebra, donkey and a deer and an antelope, and that's exactly what it fucking looks like. So this thing, it's amazing. It looks as it sounds. It has like the hindquarters of a zebra, it does have like the build of a donkey I guess Maybe it's the tail they're implying that with and it does have the head of a giraffe, but it doesn't have the coloration and a lot I seen in omaha and it's like the one of these things. It's like a long black tongue and has these like antelope nodes on top of its head. It's very insane looking. You, uh, I don't even know, you know it's, but it's a real thing and they thought they were extinct and they used to kind of call them the African unicorn because people would talk about them. But it's like, yeah, fucking right, right, like Scotland. Maybe there is a unicorn over there, guys. Maybe Marco Polo was not full of shit, but I doubt it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so nonetheless, they did end up finding these things eventually in 1901. They found a skeleton and skin and they classified it as a new species. So then they realized that it was an actual animal that existed at one point in time, and then they eventually rediscovered it later on, which I did not find that I'm a bad journalist, but it is a real thing. I've seen one in Omaha Also. Another animal that they thought was extinct or didn't exist was gorillas. They thought it was just made-up crap. There were stories of them, but they thought it was just people kind of making up stories about similar to hobbits or giants that lived in the hills, kind of shit. But they were really gorillas, and so that's how we found those things out. Pretty weird, pretty weird things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anyway, I just thought that'd be interesting. Komodo dragons, another one that they thought were just a folklore kind of tale and turned out to be real. That's another one too.

Speaker 1:

I found on my mission. Have you seen the shoebill stork? Did not Did not Did not. It looks like a Muppet of some kind, Like it seriously looks like it's an animatronic creature.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right, you got you piqued my interest here. Where are they native to? Do you know that much? Ooh, I don't, don't worry, guys East Africa, oh guys East Africa.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, good job. Large swamps from South Sudan to Zambia. I'll be damned.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you know another one, I forgot about this. You were talking about the Bilbo or Bilby, whatever, and kangaroos. At one point in time, the kangaroos were encrypted because they were thought to have went extinct. So anyway, wow, yeah that's a weird thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, these are looking. What about the goblin sharks? Does Nicole know about the goblin sharks?

Speaker 2:

Yes, the wife Nicole. She's well-versed on the goblin sharks, she's a shark fanatic and they're ugly as fuck. They're probably the ugliest shark I would have to say.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're not.

Speaker 2:

They're very slow-mo.

Speaker 1:

I would have to say, yeah, they're not aesthetically pleasing.

Speaker 2:

No, they're very ancient looking and I think they're one of the ones that can live quite a while, like a basking shark or the Greenland shark, which they think can live hundreds of years. So that's pretty cool. Nonetheless, goblin shark Wouldn't want to run into one of those in a dark alley somewhere or a hot tub. Yeah, no, no thanks, no, thanks, goblin Shark. Man, it is kind of fun to talk about animals, bro. I'm glad you brought this up. I don't know, there's a lot of weird stuff out there. I don't know where else to go. We previously did an episode on Lobster Boy and he's a weird guy. I don't know where else to go. We previously did an episode on Lobster Boy and he's a weird guy. I don't know if that's a word. Yeah, it was. I don't know if that's a word. Not anymore, not anymore. Hey, did you see what the saga antelope looks like?

Speaker 1:

I did not no.

Speaker 2:

It's like an antelope and it looks like it has kind of like a fleshy elephant trunk on its nose and it's from like mongolia and kazakhstan. Pretty weird animal guys. Look it up telling you saga, antelope, sega, saga, antelope, s-a-i-g-a. Um, sayaga, whatever. Guys, I tell stories for life. I'm just saying, um, I hope everybody's enjoying this. Sometimes we do stuff like this just to, just because why in the fuck not? You know? Um, when we did our, our podcast at first, we started talking about, like, well, what should we label it as? Because you know you have to have categories when you set this sort of thing up, and one of them was history, because I figured we'd talk a lot of like stuff in past tense, really. But in all honesty, this is just kind of me and Owen telling stories, and so if we come up with something, we just want to talk about it, you guys want to listen to it. Here we are, you know, let's go Podcastland. Yeah, I almost said Portland.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, great show buddy, we're part of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's where it comes from. Yeah, we're part of it. Yeah, that's where it comes from. Yeah, I totally ripped that off. I'm not trying to claim I didn't. I have a friend who's a rapper of sorts His name's Nodhead, and he was actually in an episode of Portlandia, which is pretty cool, shout out to Nodhead. Yeah, shout out to Nodhead, he's still out there. He's still active. It's K like a metal rap. Pretty cool guy Lives here in my area these days, nonetheless go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Oh, just speaking of animals, we're recording this on May 9th and my pit bull, slash land seal, is turning 11 tomorrow. Yes, I know Some of you listening know him quite well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, the Boogie Bear. Happy birthday, boogie Bear. Yeah, lynch, the original Lynch, aloysius Bofus, drain right, wasn't that it? Yes, sir, yeah, so that's the full name, guys, but we take it Baba.

Speaker 1:

Bluey Chewbacca, the Blue Menace, colonel Monkey Tips. He has many names.

Speaker 2:

Baba, the Blue Menace, colonel, monkey Tits. He has many names Bop-Bop, bluey. Yes, he's a staple on the north side of Billings Montana. You know, this dog of yours, people do love him, yeah. So if you guys go through Cold Smoke, stop in the shop, say hi to the Blue Dog. You know Owen and him are usually up in there. It's just cold. Look up Cold Smoke Billings Montana, you'll find them. It ain't hard to find.

Speaker 2:

You know there ain't that much going on in Billings. We're working on it. See, that's part of this. You know as much as we talk shit about Billings guys, guess what Me and Owen's big plan in the podcast is part of? It is we want to do cool things for the community in Billings, especially because I we want to like do cool things for the community in Billings, especially Because I'm from there. Owen lives there.

Speaker 2:

The plan is eventually to do things for people in other areas obviously as well, but since that's where we're from, that's where we're going to start. So as much as we bash on Billings, we would like to see the people that we care about there in the community get help If we can do anything. You know, if you're going to run your fucking mouth about stuff. You should try and do something about it. Right Indeed, all right, so that's what we're here to do. I tell stories, cold life, hey. On another note, since you already said the date and you know it's 2024 and all everybody needs to go check out that new Spice One album, platinum OG 2. Pretty fucking cool, by the way.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to checking it out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I'm a Spice One fan. He's a cool dude. I have stuff with Spice One but at the same time I'm pretty impressed. Oh, yeah, anyway but hey, everybody out there have a great day.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for checking us out. Much love everybody.

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